
A very cool start to the day weather wise. It was brass monkey weather. Another nice breakfast and it was off to the Maribor railway station.

A boring and stark station by most measures. We noted the train was delayed 30 minutes.

I was fiddling with my bike when this dodgy character said something to me. I did not quite catch what he said, and he repeated it. He wanted me to,give him money, for who knows what?

I suggested he go to a bank and he said he wanted me to give him euros. Why notthat would be far easier! I pointed at my bike and said, this is it! I have no euros, I need some too!

He really unnerved me as he stood there and just kept staring….Tony was some 10 metres away seemingly oblivious. He then turned his attention towards Tony. I took his photo as I pretended to fiddle with my iPad.


Tony then noted him, as the guy started to check his bike out, so he promptly relocated to where I was. We both stared at him and he turned away.

We followed some other cyclists to the train. Despite it being 30 minutes late in departure it was there at the right time at least.

We fiddled about in the bike compartment, having removed our luggage to store where we were seated, two carriages down.


A very quiet and not particularly fast train, obviously not the express as it std at many stations.

A couple of shots out the train windows.



Rugged up in my winter cycling gear.i call this outfit my spider woman one.


A few more views.



Two hours later we are in a very, very cold Ljubljana. I had booked a hotel on my iPad, so we headed straight there.

These were called hologram stones, a modern art installation.


First views of the old town looking towards Ljubljana Castle.



The Triple Bridges.



Nearly at our hotel!



Here we are, a view out our bedroom window of the Ljubljanica River.


With our bikes in our room,we changed to go for a walk.

The Ljubljanica River has a fascinating history, with historical artefacts  from the Stone Age to Renaissance period being discovered by divers.

A few years ago, a stonehead was found, later dated to 35,000-45,000 years ago.

It is estimated that 10,000 – 13,000 objects have been located and sold into private collections.  The Slovenian Government now require diving permits with various conditions attached.

Local tradition holds that the river was a sacred place, with treasure being offered to the river during rites of passage, mourning or thanksgiving for battles won.



I took a fancy to this bear outside a shop.


Beautiful chocolate Easter Eggs, looking more like works of art.


A door to the Cathedral.  We could not enter for a squizz as mass was in progress.


There is a hungry pigeon going through the food stored on the back of this bike outside the door to the Cathedral.


We walked up the hill to Ljubljana Castle, which has a recorded history of settlement from around 1200 BC.

Some of the views looking back over the city.



Statue in memory of the Peasants Revolt.


A section of the castle up close. Popular for weddings and corporate events.


Walking back down the hill.


Across the bridge with locks, including the crocodiles mouth.


Curious aspect of this bridge is the transparent flooring. Weird feeling.


Pub on the other side trying to entice patrons.



Looking across the river to the castle.


The Franciscan Church



Back to our room where our bikes were waiting patiently, overcoats flung on the chair. We do not have  lot of heat with us, but it is extraordinary how far we can spread it in one room.


The plan tomorrow is riding from here to Trieste, Italy on the Adriatic coast. We are in mixed minds re route, so need to sort that out pronto. Hoping the weather improves!!

Thanks for reading,

Ooroo 😊💪🚴




4 thoughts on “Ljubljana

  1. David Hutchinson

    Love the photos. Last time I was in Trieste, it was absolutely blowing a gale. Probably the strongest winds I have encountered. I hope you fare better (unless it is behind you of course)!


  2. Karen

    great to read about your adventures, Sharron! Jane said she can’t believe you can cycle all day, then write a blog and go for a walk! We are exhausted just thinking about that… Karen


    1. Thanks Karen. It is quite the challenging adventure. We have had some long days on the saddle, with km length, navigation, photo taking, eating! It is all part of the adventure. We’ve been ‘lost’ a few times too…thanks for reading and your support, appreciated!


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