Bamboozled in Basel

Shorter blog today as I spent a good chunk of it catching up with two special friends that I first met back in 1985 in the Maldives.

I travelled by train up to Basel and just literally rode around looking for the Cathedral…as then I would have my bearings. The Bahnhof is set well back from the Rhine River.

In the process I found a sign that said France. So I followed the signs.

Border area ahead, totally unmanned. Anyone can cruise into France today.

So here is France, a nice little park with signs pointing to towns and villages in three countries.


When I had enough of France, thought I would be bold and dash over to Germany for a while…over this bridge.

Bridge over the River Rhine joining France and Germany,

I did not hang around Germany long as I needed to be back in Switzerland, at Sissach around 2 pm (ish).

Basel is very attractive from the river.



I did toy with the idea of riding to Rheinfelden and doing a loop back to Sissach, but….Basel was inundated with a large women’s running event. police had blocked off lots of intersections ( all the ones that happened to say Rheinfelden).

I also got to have a chat with a Swiss policeman (making a habit of this these days). This one told me in German that I could not ride my bike, even at about the 10 kmh I was doing…I needed to walk….

Time was getting short and when I stumbled on another section of the course I thought, stuff it….head to the Bahnhof.

That too was not technically easy. I found a Swiss Information shop,  opened the door, wheeled the bike in only to be told by a young whipper snippet that I needed to leave my bike outside. I asked could I just grab a map and go, but no…I could not have a map unless I left my bike outside, in a busy street, unattended.

Being astute, I figured he was not a bike rider!

I left without a map.  I found a McDonalds and tried to hook into their free wifi, but nope this store did not had free wifi ( what is going on McDonalds!?) but a Museum did. I figured out where I was, and where I needed to go.

Basel beat me today!!

Final views of Basel, near where I was lost…



On another train to Sissach. Checked the village out.



Found Ralph and Sandra’s home, remembering this from my last visit ( it is their neighbours).


I had a lovely afternoon and evening with Ralph and Sandra. It is ‘only’ 20 months since my last visit, and I have promised to visit again…with a son living in Basel that is a promise I hope to keep, along with the same promise to Mirek and Sarka.

It is so neat having friends in Europe you can visit, experiencing different cultures and their local beauty.


Here is a map of my three country visit.


Another day is done. Farewell!








One thought on “Bamboozled in Basel

  1. Were there vary many large women in the running race??!!
    Is photo 11 a picture of you after your were nobbled on the cobbles the other day??!!
    Three countries on 1 ride…. next thing you will be doing around the world in 80 days!!


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