Aussies rule!

Poor wifi again, and so far I have been unable to transfer my ride photos from my phone to iPad. Never goes….

Yesterday at the Giro was time trial day in the streets of Rovereto, some 17 km or so from Torbole, Lake Garda.

Many of us selected to go on a morning leg loosener down a valley, on a cycle path, behind Torbole  which was pleasant.

Upon returning we joined the rest of the riders to head to,the time trial. turn left out of the garage was a nasty 10 percent climb for over one km. I was so glad my legs and lungs were warmed up.


I did this same climb 2 years ago with cold legs..not nice.


Beautiful views from the top of the short climb. My photo for this is still stuck on my phone, but two years ago I took this one part way up ( as I stopped). Yesterday I did the 1km, 10 percent without stopping.


In Rovereto we were in a structure outside a local pub adjacent to the course, where we sat and ate and had a few drinks.


Wandering up to the finish line and back.  This is the view looking up towards the finishing line.


This building was adjacent to our viewing room.


Trying to get photos of fast moving cyclists is hard with my camera, but patiently I tried.  I got a few others from my vantage position.

Wine point had me wondering….

These two guys peeked my curiosity…


Then there was the race…

This guy I gave a good cheer to initially thinking it was Kiwi George Bennett, but got my Bennett’s all muddled up…this is Sam Bennet…the Irishman ( I think…..)



This guy got my loudest voice though….Aussie, Aussie, Aussie….Rohan Dennis who was the ultimate winner, resplendent in his very tight BMC skin suit. I could hear some of my fellow riders singing Waltzing Matilda a little further on.


Down to the top two riders on General Classification…

The chaser, Tom Domoulin.

Big cheers in the crowd for this guy…the maglia rosa’s arrival certainly stirred emotion in the crowds….Simon Yates powered past, very pained face, giving it all.

Simon Yates, current wearer of the maglia rosa

Today we head to Lake Iseo…hopefully better wifi at that hotel!!






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