To live will be an awfully big adventure…..

I write this when I should be asleep. It is 3.32 am and I have been awake…overthinking…crying… I have also been thinking about Peter Pan.

Thinking about things I am thankful for, thinking about things that cause me sadness.  Missing out on much needed sleep.

Walt Disney said, “that’s the real trouble with the world, too many people grow up”.

We all need to grow up but at times it is nice to have some of Peter’s spirit …it is a balance though.  I think I have some of his spirit, but I am grown up and also have self respect, dignity, value of my self worth, integrity and self preservation.

So on the eve of my challenge, I tried to calm my restless thoughts by being with good people…solid, dependable and reliable.

I had a great lunch ( naughty but nice French toast…) and thankyou to Gervase and Deb for their time and friendship…it is very much appreciated particularly when you come from another country and really know only a handful of people.

Then I spent a lovely few hours with Don, Lesley and Paul, who generously shared their knowledge on the far north, their family homelands with lots of stories and history.

I also had a beautiful home cooked meal and know that they too will keep a watching brief out on me and my progress, hooking me up with Don’s brothers in the far north.

As I left I got a motherly and fatherly hug that nearly broke me…it is so nice to know people genuinely care….

Then as I was packing last night my phone rang, and it was John, another solid caring friend with advice for my route north. He had looked at my GPS route and was not happy.  He reiterated multiple times not to take my planned route, and has given me extensive details on another….he follows me on strava so I had better take his advice!

I am worried though as all my routes I have carefully mapped out, with turn by turn instructions… I have some notes pencilled down…I have no idea now what my distance today will be.

i am lucky these people care and are on the lookout for me. That damn cyclone threatening my ride safety and enjoyment can just bugger off please!


5 thoughts on “To live will be an awfully big adventure…..

  1. Alison Fairley

    You have the courage to see this through, to look life squarely in the eye and to say “I can do this and there aint nothing that will stop me doing the things I cannot do”. All this whilst the rest of us sit back in awe, willing this brave lady every success. xxx


  2. Superbly written as usual my love. You are such a strong girl, I tip my hat to you. So brave of you to do it solo, without Tony by your side. How proud you should be of yourself, as I am. Much love, and safe travels to you my love. xxxx


  3. Fastmail

    Go for it Sharron. We have been watching the trajectory of Hola and hope that it soon passes. Sue and I are on South Island until next Tuesday, when we fly back to Wales. Enjoy the journey round Northland.

    Alan & Sue

    Sent from my iPad



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