Montserrat to Barcelona…The End



I awoke and jumped out of bed at 5.57 am this morning. Very precise I know, but the bells had started tolling next door at the Basilica. Call to arms! It was still pitch black as I opened the shutters to peer out to see what was happening.

The bells tolled again off and on for the next hour and I did tape some on my iPad, as I did in Florence with the early morning Duomo bells.

We really did have a magical view out our bedroom window didn’t we!

Breakfast was a busy affair as this is a large hotel and we mixed it with other guests queuing for coffee ( so I grabbed two large ones for myself!)

Independently of each other Tony and I had decided we wanted to ride with all/some of the other riders today. Each day we were 1-2 hours ahead of them so had not really ridden with any of them.

Waiting patiently. That is Martin getting ready in the background.

It was quite misty looking back up the mountain.


Finally we were all ready and had a last day photo.

Great bunch of people!!

We started off with a descent down the mountain. I dropped my chain and needed to stop and then the same thing happened to Tony. Bit weird!

Nice descent!

Passing through Monistrol de Montserrat at 9.3 km we passed under a railway as we headed out of town.



We stopped for an early coffee at Olesa de Montserrat in the company of Jamie, Barbara and Martin.  We headed off together but with another hill climb remaining planned to wait at the top.

Looking back we could see where we started the day at Montserrat.


The next chunky riding was more traversing busier, built up areas which is not particularly relaxing, but a necessity.  There were an incredible number of non synchronised red lights we stopped at.

We entered the final climb of the day, and this tour.


I think the town where the flag below was hanging was Sant Bartomeu de la Quadra. This weekend there is to be a referendum held in Catalonia, the Spanish state we are in. The vote is about seeking independence from Spain. Certainly there have been many “SI” flags flying in the last week. Spain do not support the vote and we have been advised to be vigilant on Sunday and Monday.


As in Tasmania, there is a 1.5m rule.


As we climbed to Collet de L’Espinagsa we had some nice views despite the increasing air pollution.



Once at the Collet we waited for some of our riders as we were now only 6 km from our accomodation. While we waited we noted this site overlooking Barcelona.

That is a huge church with an even bigger antenna in front of it.


We could not help but to notice this dog. We asked the owners about the shoes and they said it was to protect his feet from stones.


So we took a few photos whilst waiting.


Waiting for cyclists to appear 



Three turned up so we descended into Barcelona.


Checking out the view.

The last few km were horribly hectic and we were relieved to arrive in one piece.  Then we had to start the cleaning and strip down of the bikes ready to transport back home.

We have been out for a walk to check out the more immediate vicinity and have some thoughts about the next few days including, guess what? Yes we are going on a bike tour of Barcelona with a few of the other riders! Just for something different!


Can’t keep me off anything resembling a bike for long!  


4 thoughts on “Montserrat to Barcelona…The End

  1. Alan Hodgkinson

    Congratulations Sharron (and Tony) on completing this trip. I’ve been enthralled by the daily “yakkablogs” and slightly envious of you both. It looks a fantastic ride.We look forward to meeting up in the future when you are next north of the equator. With love from Alan and Sue


  2. that a Spanish Zwift you are on in the last pic Shaz??!!…. be careful you don’t fall off and give yourself brain damage!!
    Did the others give you a head start because you guys were a bit slow??!! I’m sure by the next trip you will be able to do better and keep up with the others….. you just need a little more practice!!!
    Montserrat looks very impressive!!!
    [Try Bikestyle Tours trips – you might find the group speed a little more challenging!!!]
    Enjoy ‘Barthelona’ eh


    1. Thanks Mark but that company does not offer the type of trip we like doing. We don’t like trips where you sit on buses for transfers, we like to do end to end to end trips. I have looked at their website before and it is not us. We love BIke Adventures, their leaders and the ‘type’ of riders with us have similar ideals and ethos about ‘end to end’. Speed comes down to how many km per day ( eg this had less than London to Venice), how much climbing, and each individuals strength. I had been doing 600 km plus per week prior to this trip so I was ‘fit for purpose’. We also did this trip,knowing we would finish it earlier as normally we like to do 100 plus km each day. This was a brilliant trip, with great people!!


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